Latest news from the LSA

  • Upcoming Sessions

    Our next mini-course is The Art of Electional Astrology (with Frank Clifford) on 8–9 March (live on Zoom and recordings uploaded soon after). Check out our Courses page for details.

  • New Term Dates/Year

    Term 3 tutorials start in May online at 7 p.m. UK time: 6th (Year 3: working with clients), 7th (Year 1: chart synthesis), 8th (Year 2: synastry, locational, mundane). Our first Term 3 Saturday at Steiner's is on the 10th (11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.). The new academic year begins Tuesday 28th October and Saturday 1st November. Details will be available in April in our prospectus.

  • Books

    Check out our new Books page. Frank's 'Getting to the Heart of Your Chart' and 'The Solar Arc Handbook' have just been updated as paperbacks and will be available as ebooks in late March 2025. His Horary book with Richard is due in the late spring.

Get in touch

Click below to send us your email. Use this email for tech support, questions about our courses, or general questions and feedback. Telephone: +44 (0) 203 091 7877 (Office hours: 10am to 5pm UK time). Please email us if you need to send anything by regular mail.

  • How does it all work?

    The LSA offers nine main courses in total: three in Year 1, three in Year 2, and three in Year 3. Each course comprises at least 18 hours of pre-recorded classes (each recording is a video with a tutor and visual presentation speaking in English) and six 2 hour live evening tutorials on Zoom (which are also recorded if you cannot attend live and usually contain closed captions) for each term of study.

    Once you’ve signed up to a course, you’ll have online access to that course (its videos, handouts, presentations) for 18 months (we can extend this for a small fee – just email us for details). The videos should be available to view on any device with internet access and most handouts, articles and presentations can be downloaded if need be.

    • Year 1 (courses 101, 102, 103) is the Beginners/Foundation Level (from basics to synthesis)
    • Year 2 (courses 201, 202, 203) is the Intermediate Level (from synthesis to techniques such as forecasting, synastry, mundane and locational astrology)
    • Year 3 (courses 301, 302, 303) is the Apprenticeship Programme (astrology in action – electional, consulting, rectification, horary)
  • Can I start any time?

    Yes, the courses can be started at a time that best suits you. If you miss any live tutorials for your course, you can access these recordings and also use the student forum to ask any questions of your own.

    Many students prefer to study all nine levels over three years and progress in the recommended order, but others want to revise or study one area of astrology and can sign up for that only. You are welcome to do either.

  • Am I required to take the exams? Do I have to complete assignments from one course before doing another?

    Many students enrol for the joy of learning and self-discovery, while others want a professional qualification to practise astrology or use in conjunction with another therapy (or discipline like tarot).

    We offer reading, homework and assignments with every course but these are optional – there is no pressure to do any coursework. Reading articles and submitting coursework will help you assimilate the information better (and you can gain a Certificate or Diploma in Astrology), but you do not need to submit/pass these to keep studying or to enrol onto another course. Email us for the current list of assignments.

  • Is this a recognised qualification?

    Yes, in the astrological community, the LSA’s courses, its certificate and diploma (LSA Dip.) are accredited with the APAE (the Advisory Panel on Astrological Education), based in the UK. And all our main tutors are recognised as experts in the field – having lectured and/or consulted for many years. All tutors have written articles for leading magazines, some have won the prestigious Charles Harvey Award for lifetime service, and many have written books.

  • I prefer being able to ask questions in real time or email a tutor. Can I do this?

    Yes, our courses are designed to get you involved as much as you wish. We’re here to help you during your studies, so you’re encouraged to interact in classes, email the office or submit questions to the Student Forum that comes with each course you enrol upon.

  • What kind of astrology do you teach?

    We’d call it humanistic/human-centred, but among our tutors we have experts in mundane, psychological, evolutionary/esoteric, and traditional/classical astrology. For us, astrology is a remarkable tool that can give great insight into the inner workings of our lives – our personality, needs, patterns, talents and potential – as well as an understanding of the times in which we live and the people and world around us.

  • Can I visit your school?

    If you’re visiting London, you’re very welcome to attend our London workshops in Rudolf Steiner House near Baker Street (we usually have some scheduled per term). If you’re studying online with us, you’ll have automatic access to most events/workshops that take place. Just get in touch before you travel or check our schedule at

    Our office is outside London – it’s not the same venue in which we teach – so we won’t be at our Euston (central London) venue unless we’re teaching in person. It’s always best to call or email the office rather than turn up at the venue in Euston. Email: [email protected] or tel: +44 203 091 7877.

    Your emails and calls (office hours are 10am to 5pm) are welcome – so get in touch if you have questions before or during your studies with us.

  • Do you offer courses in other languages?

    We already offer a similar three-year course in Mandarin with New Moon Astrology ( and some of Frank’s courses are already available in Japanese through the Astrology Research Institute in Tokyo ( Over the next few years, we plan to have all of our courses available in other languages, including Spanish and Turkish, in conjunction with astrology schools in these countries. We already have a group of courses in Turkish already on our main site. We’ll keep you posted of other developments!