Symbolic Doorways

An Online Course in Training the Astrological Intuition

Using our intuition with astrology adds an extraordinary dimension to interpretation and client work. Intuition, however, is not a random gift given to some and not others – it can be trained, and to great effect. In this four-week online course, psychological and horary astrologer Richard Swatton will teach us how to develop our intuition by: engaging with dream imagery; exploring the dynamics of astrological symbols psychically and imaginatively; invoking the emotional tone of planetary forces within ourselves. He will also show how to work deeply (and incorporate dream imagery) with transits.

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Recorded Feb–Mar 2021

Some knowledge of the basics of astrology will be assumed. From Richard: There are four books I would recommend: 1 - Astral Doorways by JH Brennan. Brennan was is a healer with his wife (Hands of Light was her main work) and was also bit of a dabbler but good info book taken from The Golden Dawn magical exercises but presented better. 2 - How to Read the Aura by W.E.Butler. Butler was an exponent of Western Occultism, first under Dion Fortune then linked with Gareth Knight and the SOL in the 1960s and 70s. I never met him but was under his tutelage for a brief period doing his occult lessons during the early 70s when I was 13 and then went on to join the Helios school with Gareth Knight etc later. This book is a collection of his other smaller booklets about clairvoyance and allied subjects. There are secondhand ones on the market if one looks around in the UK (abe books etc) rather than only through amazon. Searching is required. 3. Private Myths, dreams and dreaming by Anthony Stevens. Dr. A. STEVENS is a brilliant mind and writer leading the field of Jungian work along the lines of evolutionary biology. His brilliant work Archetype is still the best book about the subject. There is a 50 minute documentary by him about his main work on YouTube. 4. Dreams A Portal to the Source (more accessible reading and useful adjunct to astrology) by Edward C. Whitmont and Sylvia Brinton Perera. Whitmont was/is Jungian and a Homeopath. Perera similar. also known for her Descent to the Goddess: an excellent feminine myth of Inana and Ereshkigal about descending to the realm of the Underworld and predating myths of Pluto and Hades!


Richard Swatton

Senior Tutor

Richard Swatton is a highly experienced astrologer and psychotherapist based in Bristol, UK, who began studying traditional, horary and occult approaches to astrology in 1976. His book, 'The Horary Process', is due to be published in 2024.