Three Evening Sessions

Hosted by Frank Clifford

Liberating the Imprisoned Self: Uncovering Script
Speaker: Lynne Wilson
Lynne will be helping us to uncover the underlying fear-based beliefs (the ‘scripts’) that drive the miserable events in our lives and limit our potential. Lynne will discuss how we can be aware of and change our own script – with a view to tearing it up completely.

Lynne Wilson (formerly Beale) is an astrologer and metaphysical trainer who studied at the CPA in the early 1990s. Her article on Script and its links to the Moon and Saturn was published by ‘The Mountain Astrologer’ (Dec 2013 issue).

The Centaurs: Emissaries Of The New Age

Speaker: Vicky Maloney
Join Vicky to discover the essential meanings of the Centaurs of the Kuiper Belt. She’ll share her new research into Pholus and discuss what the other asteroids mean personally for us (including Chiron and Nessus).  (You’ll receive an ephemeris for the positions of the Centaurs.)

Vicky Maloney studied at the CPA and LSA and holds a CSCT Certificate in Counselling Skills. She has run an astrology beginners’ course at Biddenham College and continues to consult and teach astrology.

Jupiter–Neptune: Time to Heal
Speaker: Kira Sutherland
Kira joins Frank to discuss how the Jupiter–Neptune conjunction in Pisces in mid April 2022 can be a time to withdraw, reflect and get back on track healthwise. In this new talk, learn how – in these chaotic times – you can best get in touch with your inner healer and live life to the max.

Kira Sutherland is a much-loved and vibrant speaker on astrology, nutrition, naturopathy and wellbeing. She has lectured numerous times for the LSA and her website is