Exploring Ceres (with Faye Blake)

An exclusive 4-part series (4hrs 45 mins) of training and chart interpretation (£80)

Ceres was originally classified as a planet, then an asteroid, and then in 2006 as a ‘dwarf planet’. This finally put her on a par with Pluto. Ceres was the sister of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, and as such was worshipped far and wide by the Romans (and by the Greeks, who called her Demeter). In astrology, Ceres is considered a goddess of the earth and fertility and is best known for the myth surrounding the rape of her daughter Proserpina (Persephone). But Ceres is multi-dimensional. A major feminine archetype, her 2006 ‘upgrade’ means that her themes are coming back into consciousness. The Green Movement, the Women’s Movement, natural cycles, genetics, food and agriculture are all part of her remit. In part 1, Faye will look at the astronomy, history and the myth of Ceres and her relationship with Pluto. By presenting case studies showing Ceres in mundane and natal charts, Faye will offer meanings and themes that can be given to this dwarf planet. Faye will also consider what Ceres is currently bringing into consciousness and how we all can make use of her energies in today’s world. In part 2, Faye will explore Ceres as the goddess of the environment and her role in important environmental themes and in the charts of environmentalists. In part 3, Faye will consider the role of Ceres in women’s rights and the life cycle of women. In the last part, Faye will touch upon Ceres in politics and look at how Ceres can be used in general in a horoscope.


Faye Blake-Cossar

Guest Tutor

Faye Blake has been an astrologer for personal and business clients for over 30 years. She runs the Amsterdam School of Astrology, lectures regularly, and holds an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She is also in private practice as a therapist. Her book, 'Vocational Astrology: Finding the Right Career Direction' (Flare/LSA) was published in 2017 to great reviews.